The boys got to experience weather changes, varied terrain and experience, first hand, the importance of limiting the weight in your pack.
Both guys have done considerable types of backpacking from Mt. Robson in British Columbia to canoeing with packs through the Boundary Waters of Canada, so these are not newbies to hiking and backpacking.

Opie recaps their trip for us here:
My thoughts after 36 miles on the trail with Dreamer.
That first 10 miles were grueling. We had packed entirely too much food and not nearly enough water. Nothing could be prettier than coming to the first stream after carrying dry water bottles for the past 3 miles in the hot spring day. I was elated and felt that now I was prepared to tackle the trail...and then the downpour started.We finished the last 2 miles of day one in the rain and arrived soaking wet at the shelter for the night. We were met by other hikers who had battled the trail that day. Everyone was bruised and broken yet optimistic and resilient. They all seemed to acknowledge that there had been a battle and they may have been defeated but they didn't mind, this is a war and they are determined to prevail. We spent the evening huddled in the shelter out of the rain with quiet laughs and short stories in a similar fashion to how I imagine soldiers interact after a long battle. For the first time I realized how significant the resolve of a thru-hiker really is.
On day two after a quick breakfast we hit the trail in the cool morning air on a trail that was soggy from the nights rain. Our 14mile route for the day took us on a long downhill followed by a steep uphill and then "flat" ground for the last 6 miles. We had lightened our loads the night before at the shelter and despite some sore muscles we were in high spirits.Shortly after beginning the big downhill section the trail struck me with a lightning bolt of humility as I slipped on a rock and "tweaked" my knee. It's been years since I've sustained an injury and I figured this was no different and I could just walk it off. The trail had other plans though and as the steep downhill miles wore on they became increasingly more painful and at points unbearable. I found two sticks from beside the trail to help bear some of my weight but the pain kept growing. I felt broken and disheartened as Dreamer increasingly had to wait for me. It was a stark realization of the pain and heartbreak that Socks had experienced just a month before. My goal of 36 miles was a drop in the bucket compared to her goal of thru-hiking but was my trip over too? Could I struggle through this? Am I jeopardizing the goals of Dreamer and Tex? Am I selfish for needing their help? The questions raced through my mind. We stopped at the bottom of the hill for lunch and with tape and an ace bandage from Tex I wrapped my knee up and we started from the road uphill. This was my test. If I could make it to the top I could go on. If I couldn't make it I would have to back track to the road for a shuttle. Thankfully the bandage helped and even though there was still pain I was able to push past it and continue with Dreamer and Tex
Charlie was thrilled to be back with Dad on the trail!
For the last 4 miles on day two we were once again caught in a rainstorm and again got to the shelter soaking wet. Again we were met with friendly faces and embraced the feeling of shared suffering.On the third day we woke up to a glorious day. The clouds and rain had given way to a cool spring day with sunshine radiating through the trees. It seemed the trail had smiled upon us for the remaining 7 miles of our hike. We set out on the trail and my knee was feeling tolerable and the trail was great. We looked at the 4000 ft peak in front of us and smiled. We climbed with vigor as we charged the peak, carefully placing one foot in front of the other marching onward.There was no retreat available, surrender was not an option, we had to conquer this mountain. Do or do not, there was no try. The trail had changed us."
Communal campfire at Wood's Hole Hostel
Almost 40 pizzas were build for the hiker guests that night at Wood's Hole
These boys had hiked for a short three days and felt changed. This trail WILL change you. Good or Bad, this trail will leave you different than you arrived. Our son, Jesse (Tex), keeps saying, "It's life changing." Yes, my son, it is and I am even more determined to return!!
You can learn more about Tex and Opie and their company, "First Light Gear" at: Opie has a bit more to share on their blog!
You can learn more about Tex and Opie and their company, "First Light Gear" at: Opie has a bit more to share on their blog!