With some great sadness, I wrapped up my recovery time at Wood's Hole Hostel yesterday (www.woodsholehostel,com) and joined Dreamer and Charlie up the trail at Front Royal, WV as they exited Shenandoah National Park!! I had a fabulous time at Wood's Hole and can't highly recommended it enough. The sweet spirit of Miss Neville and Michael will cause your spirit to pause and say... "Aaahhhhh." The lively animals and the bustling atmosphere of hikers passing through will make your stay entertaining as well. And the food goes without saying, it's the best organic "home-cookin" on the entire AT!!
Wood's Hole Hostel, Pearisburg, VA
A small part of the animal menagerie at Wood's Hole!
Neville and I had such a fun time together. We are very much 'kindred' spirits....
But, I'm lonesome for the man of my Dreams and I'm willing to fight through some 'on the job' training on the trail, so we're packing up when we hit Harper's Ferry and heading back to Michigan to grab my gear, spend some quick time with friends and family and head back to the trail for the second half!!
After an almost three hour drive, I was again greeted by the 'male' part of Team TNT as they walked out of Shenandoah National Park, where they have been hiking through, while I was recouperating at Wood's Hole. Charlie was so glad to see me as well as Dreamer.

He's promised we WILL NOT be separated again.... we just don't do well apart, so, no matter what, we'll stick to this promise. If for any reason, I can't continue due to the knee or whatever, we will stop hiking together. BUT, for those of you who know me very well, know that I am one pretty determined lady. I don't take no for an answer and live by the motto my Dad taught me.... "I can do anything I put my mind to." I have endured incredible physical pain on this trip already and I have lived through the death of a child, so I figure I've much been dealt the worst blows possible in life, physically and emotionally. I will resume hiking at Harper's Ferry with Dreamer and Charlie and will give it my all. Of course, we'll have to start a bit slower than the 20+ miles a day that Chuck and Tom are currently doing, but it shouldn't take long to have my hiking legs back beneath me. I want nothing more than to be part of this trail community again! I want nothing more than to be with the love of my life, all day, every day.
I hope you'll continue to watch this journey unfold as we make our way into the second half of the trip! It's difficult to comprehend that it's almost half way over already! In just a couple days, we'll have our pictures taken at the half way point, at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy in Harper's Ferry, MD. THEN, will be quickly driving back to Michigan to re-unite with family and friends for a week. For those of you who are local to Michigan, we'll be hosting an open house event on Sunday, June 23rd to touch base with friends before launching into the second 1200 miles of the trip, when we doubt that we'll be making any further trips home. So, if you're in the vicinity, stop out or see our Facebook page for details. (
Team TNT is together again and will remain together till the bitter end! We have several new videos up so you can stay up to date with our journey. Please take some time to watch and be sure to share with friends who you think might be interested in this journey!
We took several days over Memorial Weekend to 'work' some trail magic for many fellow hikers!
And another stretch coming into Waynesboro, VA.... just before going into Shenandoah National Park.