We have been driven OFF the trail due to the persistent blisters and the oppressive heat! Water in Pennsylvania has been skimpy at best, so to jeopardize ourselves and Charlie out there in this heat isn't wise. Our last day hiking, poor Charlie literally was dragging so far behind us, we carried his pack for him. The rocks in Pennsylvania, we knew would be an issue and we really tried to make lite of them with daily 'Rock Updates" from the trail.... But they seriously have almost driven me mentally over the edge. I'm sure it's a combination of the heat, blisters AND the rocks, but I've been close to running off into the woods screaming. What lunacy keeps us out here???
We are seriously asking ourselves that question.... Actually making a list of pro's and con's to keep going. Due to the deadly temps, we've been held up in a hotel room with air conditioning for the past four days. We're going stir crazy, but the heat isn't supposed to break for another couple days. So here we sit. We ARE making plans to head back out Saturday morning, doing some small miles on day one, then bumping it up again.
I've managed to secure some new hiking shoes here in Carlisle and hopefully, with all the soaking with Epsom salts, loss of a toenail and cooler temps will keep us moving forward. The blisters are now all dried and ready to go again. I just pray that the new 'kickers' will cause less pressure but enough defense against the sharp and HARD rocks!

Part of me REALLY wants to just stop all this craziness and go home to love on our precious grand baby Lydia...
Part of me wants to continue the adventure, spend this time helping Tom to realize this dream and part of me just questions if I'm strong enough mentally and physically. We've learned so much about ourselves and each other and have apparently inspired so many others to consider such a journey...I'd hate to quit early or with the wrong motives.
We prayerfully ask for God's direction, safety and guidance daily... And selfishly ask for you to pray with us. This has been the most difficult undertaking of our lives and we can't do this alone. We have so much support for family and friends back at home and the community of support from those watching our YouTube (www.youtube.com/tntonthetrail) videos and Facebook page, (www.facebook.com/tntonthetrail).
Somehow we'll find our sanity and make some progress in the next couple weeks or we'll bag this and head home. It's been quite an accomplishment already and we've done more than many will ever venture to do. We've learned how much we LOVE being together... Sweating, working hard, crying and especially laughing.
We hope you'll continue to follow this as it all works it's way out, hiking or home.
New video upload at YouTube! #27 is loading as I type!! Please subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you'll get automatic updates as we create them!! www.youtube.com/tntonthetrail