Greetings from Dreamer!
Sorry for the long and unanticipated absence! Since my hike of the North Country Trail began on June 23rd, I have simply not had Internet service on my phone. (It seems AT&T extended does not provide the Internet.). However, I have been able to text and talk. Go figure...
Charlie ready to begin hiking at Udel Trailhead. |
Today is Wednesday, June 27th. (A Happy Birthday shout out to my daughter Hannah!!) Charlie and I have hiked over 60 miles so far, with another 50 to go. We are camped about 8 miles South of Fife Lake in a beautiful spot called "Two Bridges Over Two Creeks Junction".
Campsite at Sawdust Hole with Ed Morse. |
In general I can say all is well with Charlie and I. Specifically, I can say I have never felt better on the trail! God is good and has provided many blessings. Too many to expound on here with my cell phone. However, I will catch you up in time with my experiences, lessons learned, and describe the wonderful people I have met along the way.
So far I have taken over 7 hours of video!! I am not sure how many pictures, but a lot! FYI, I am unable to load pictures and video to this Blog from my cell phone.
This perfect hammock set-up belongs to Ed Morse. |
In a short: raccoons ate two days of my food one night, lost the audio to a few video clips because I didn't turn the external microphone "on", almost lost my hiking poles over a huge-steep cliff, God miraculously provided a hot dog, made a man materialized in a pick-up when I needed assistance as well as a Dairy Queen with Post Office across the street, first day out I twisted my knee while swimming in the Manistee River with Charlie and has given me strength and healing.
Tomorrow we will reapply and overnight in Fife Lake. Charlie needs a bed fix! ;-) Hopefully, this 3G signal from AT&T will continue. If it does, I will begin posting every day.
Charlie & Dreamer
Oh Tom, sorry about all the difficulties, though I have to admit I had to chuckle at the comedic-like picture in my mind as you described them all. Damn raccoons...they are a wiley bunch. Sounds like you have life in perspective as usual and counting the blessings you find in the everyday. Stay safe. Love, Sue