Monday, February 25, 2013

Local PRESS coverage for Team TNT- Appalachian Trail

Team TNT will have the local press here in Lansing, Michigan following our Appalachian Trail journey. Today, the first installment hit the newsstands in the "Greater Lansing Woman" magazine, published by the Lansing State Journal.

This introductory story highlights the top 5 reasons we're each embarking on this journey as well as a few statistics about the trail. Each month, we'll do an update article from the trail, keeping our supporters up to date on our progress, trials and tribulations along the way and perhaps even a story or two about some of the other hikers we meet.

I'm sure that Charlie will provide a bit of fodder for some interesting tales too!

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we'll start the trek southbound to Springer Mountain. Let the adventure begin!!

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